Happy Birthday, Kellyanne

The temperature and the humidity are starting to climb and that lazy summer hum is in the air. At the moment there are no obvious signs or sounds of cicadas this year. Boisterous cockatoos have been having a field day ransacking the peach tree. The familiar rufous red glow of the Christmas bush in the front yard is starting to flash in the glare of the sunlight. The bees are busy in the grevilleas. The fragile, bell-shaped flowers of the jacaranda carpet the grass and paving with an intricate, purple design.

The remaining jacaranda flowers hang high in the trees as if ready to chime in the coming new season. Cockatoos constantly fly past the back window with their chalk-on-school-board screeches.

During the day a whip bird can often be heard in the valley, as if saying, “Wh-where’s … K-e-l-l-y?”

To Kellyanne,
Wishing you a wonderful birthday way over in snowy Canada.
Hugs and kisses,
love Dad